Investigation of the use of continuous particle packing models (PPMs) on the fresh and hardened properties of low-cement concrete (LCC) systems

Authors: Grazia, Mayra T., Sanchez, Leandro F. M., Romano, Roberto C. O., Pileggi, Rafael G.

Paper: Construction and Building Materials (doi)

Avaible online: 20 November 2018


Concrete, the major construction material used in the construction industry worldwide, presents a huge environmental impact producing about 7% of the global carbon dioxide. Given the concerns related to global warming, studies have been focusing on distinct approaches aiming to reduce the amount of Portland cement (PC), which is the least sustainable ingredient of the mixture, by adopting alternative mix-design strategies such as the use of particle packing models (PPMs). However, there is currently a lack of data on the efficiency of the use of continuous PPMs to reduce PC while maintaining or improving concrete fresh and/or hardened properties. This work aims to investigate the impact of current and modified versions of continuous PPMs on the fresh (rheological behaviour) and hardened (compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, porosity, and permeability) state of mixtures designed with low and moderate amounts of PC. Results demonstrate that eco-efficient concrete may be produced through current and modified continuous PPMs without compromising the fresh and hardened properties of the material. Nevertheless, further durability and long-term investigations must be performed on systems with reduced PC contents.